Monday, October 6, 2014

5 Great EdTech Tools for Assessment

There are loads of opportunities for using technology for assessment and review. Here are five really great online tools. 

Flubaroo - This is a Google Sheets Add-on that automatically grades quizzes submitted through Google Forms. Flubaroo will grade your quiz and will supply you with data on most-missed items so you can adjust your instruction.

Kahoot - This is a great interactive quiz tool to do class reviews. Students get to the “game room” by putting in a unique code, then questions are displayed on the board and kids use their chromebooks as responders.

Schoolnet - This is the new assessment tool that replaces ClassScape. The improvement over ClassScape is that teachers will now be able to create customized test items and passages and will be able to collaborate on common assessments. Oh, and the test grades pop instantly into your grade book!

Kaizena - I briefly demonstrated this app in a couple of PDs already, but with Kaizena you can supply oral feedback to your students. This makes feedback personal, and gives you the power of project or paper conferencing on your own time.

Moodle - Did you know you could build quizzes in Moodle that give students
instant feedback? Did you know kids can complete a voice recording assignment in Moodle? You can even share common rubrics with each other.